Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Mark 6:35~44
Keyverse : 37a

1. You give them something to eat (35-37)

Jesus' disciples were tired and hungry, but the crowds lingered, and Jesus taught on and on. Finally it became late, so they came to Jesus with a reasonable suggestion. See verses 35-36. The people should take care of themselves. Jesus, however, countered with an unreasonable command: 'You give them something to eat.' They immediately reacted: 'It costs too much!' But Jesus wanted them to learn a sense of responsibility and his shepherd's heart. He wanted them to learn that everything he commands can be done, if they have faith.

2. How many loaves do you have? (38-44)

They took stock of their resources and found only five loaves and two fish. But they brought these to Jesus. When Jesus gave thanks and broke the loaves and distributed them, along with the fish, to all the people, there was enough-with some left over.

Application: Lord, here are my loaves and fish. Please use them and me in your work of world salvation.
One Word: You give them something to eat