Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Mark 3:20~35
Keyverse : 34,35

1. Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit (20-30)

When Jesus gave himself wholly to serving the crowds, he was opposed by those who hated him and by those who loved him. The Pharisees saw him driving out demons and healing the sick by the power of the Holy Spirit, but they tried to discredit his ministry, saying that Satan was his power-source. This was a lie and an insult to God. Only Jesus is strong enough to break Satan's hold on a person. Those who see God's work, but deliberately reject it and plant doubt in others are committing a sin.

2. Jesus' mother and brothers (31-35)

Jesus' family thought he was crazy to spend himself so unstintingly for the selfish crowds. When they came for him, Jesus did not even greet them. They were concerned about his human life; he was committed to God's will. Those who do God's will are his real family. Can your commitment to Jesus take precedence over all human commitments?

Application: Lord, defeat Satan's power in me. Help me to do your will.
One Word: Whoever does God's will is my brother