Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 26:47~56
Keyverse : 53,54

1. The kiss of Judas (47-50a)

Judas, one of the Twelve, led the mob to Jesus. Then, according to a prearranged signal, he kissed Jesus and said, 'Greetings, Rabbi.' Jesus did not run, fight, or hate--he called him 'Friend.' Jesus died for his friends (Jn 15:13). When Judas rejected Jesus' love, Satan came into his heart.

2. Put away your sword (50b-52)

One disciple (Peter) thought he was ready. He had a sword--and he used it. But Jesus stopped him. Jesus' way is not the way of human zeal nor the way of the sword. His disciples had slept instead of praying; they were not ready.

3. Scripture fulfilled (53-56)

Jesus could have asked for an army of angels to come and save him, but he didn't. He had come to do God's will. His arrest and death fulfilled Scripture.

Application: Lord, help me to find direction for all my decisions not in personal benefit or human calculations, but in your word.
One Word: To fulfill Scripture