Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 26:31~35
Keyverse : 32

1. You will all run away (31-32)

Jesus told his disciples that on that very night the shepherd would be struck and the flock would scatter. This fulfilled Zechariah 13:7. Jesus also gave them a promise: 'After I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.' This was a promise of resurrection and a promise to meet them again. But the disciples were so preoccupied with their own sorrow that they didn't listen to what Jesus was saying.

2. 'I will never run away' (33-35)

Peter was confident of his own love for Jesus and confident of his loyalty. But Jesus knew him better than he knew himself. Peter was hurt by Jesus' suggestion that he would disown Jesus. But Jesus was preparing him for failure and opening a door for his repentance and return.

Application: Lord, I don't want to betray Jesus, but I am very weak. O Risen Jesus, come and dwell with me and help me to be faithful to death.
One Word: The Risen Jesus is our good shepherd