Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 23:29~39
Keyverse : 37

1. The blood of the righteous (29-36)

The Pharisees who rejected Jesus stood in a long tradition of men who persecuted and killed God's servants. All people who don't want to repent are a part of this tradition. Prophets who teach the word of God and call people to repentance, and men and women who challenge the culture of their times by seeking to obey God's word are always targets of persecution, from Abel, the righteous man whom Cain slew, to the prophet Zechariah. This Zechariah is probably the prophet murdered by King Joash (2Ch 24:20-22) for speaking out against idolatry. It has always been costly for a person to stand on God's side and speak truth.

2. Jesus weeps (37-39)

Jesus came with open arms of love and blessing to God's people. He came to save them from their sins and shelter them in his bosom. How sorry God is when people reject his love! When people reject his love, they must experience his righteous judgment, for Jesus will come again as Judge.

Application: Lord, I welcome you into my heart. Fill me with your love and compassion.
One Word: Welcome Jesus, whatever the cost