Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 21:28~32
Keyverse : 32

1. Two sons (28-31)

One son sounded rude and rebellious. When his father asked him to work, he adamantly refused. But he thought about his father's request and about his own curt refusal. He repented and went to do his father's work. The second son was polite. He didn't want to hurt his father's feelings. When his father told him to go and work, he quickly said, 'I will.' But he was lazy, selfish, and busy with his own affairs. So he did not go. It is easy to see which one pleased his father.

2. Repent and believe (31b-32)

The Pharisees were like the second son. They seemed to be religious and they knew all the right answers. But they only did what they wanted to do. The tax collectors were rude and sinful. But they listened to Jesus' words and repented. Their lives were changed. God wants repentance and the obedience that comes from faith.

Application: Lord, help me to believe, obey your word, and do your work.
One Word: Repent, believe, and obey