Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 20:29~34
Keyverse : 30

1. Lord, Son of David, have mercy (29-31)

Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem to die. A large crowd followed as he and his disciples left Jericho. Two blind beggars sitting by the road heard that Jesus was passing by. They believed that he was the Messiah who came to make the blind see and the lame walk, so they shouted with all their might, 'Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us.' The crowd rebuked them because they seemed noisy and presumptuous. But the beggars didn't care. They shouted even more loudly. They had more spiritual sight than James and John (21-22), or the crowd (31).

2. What do you want? (32-34)

Jesus didn't rebuke the beggars. He never rebukes those who ask him for mercy. When he asked what they wanted, they said, 'We want our sight.' Jesus had compassion on them and healed their blind eyes. Jesus wants to heal our spiritual blindness.

Application: Lord, have mercy on me, and on sin-sick young people who don't even know that they are blind.
One Word: Jesus makes the blind see