Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 18:21~35
Keyverse : 21,22

1. Lord, how often shall I forgive? (21-22)

Peter thought that some people might take advantage of a Christian's good heart and keep on sinning and repenting. Surely there must be some limit to forgiveness. But Jesus said that there are no limits to forgiveness. Why?

2. A debt too great to pay (23-35)

Jesus told a parable about a king whose servant owed him several million dollars. The servant deserved to be sold as a slave to pay back even part of the debt. However, the king had mercy and forgave him. But the servant went out and found a fellow servant who owed him a few dollars. He demanded payment, ignoring his fellow servant's pleas for mercy. We are great debtors to God. He forgave all our sins for Jesus' sake. We deserve to die, but Jesus died for us. How can we refuse forgiveness to anyone?

Application: Lord, cleanse me of all self-righteousness and give me the humble heart of a forgiven sinner.
One Word: I am a forgiven sinner