Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 16:5~12
Keyverse : 8

1. Forgotten bread (5-7)

When Jesus and his disciples crossed the lake, they forgot to take bread. They were getting hungry. So when Jesus warned them to guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, they thought he was talking about bread.

2. Yeast of the Pharisees (8-12)

The Pharisees had seen God's work in Jesus, but they did not believe because they did not want to commit themselves to him. This unbelief springs from selfishness and easily spreads to others. Jesus rebuked his disciples for their unbelief and reminded them of the two crowds of hungry people they had fed. They needed a sense of history. We must guard against bad influence. We can do this when we remember God's grace with thankful hearts.

Application: Lord, you saved me from sin and death and put joy and meaning into my life. Help me to have a sense of history and a growing faith.
One Word: Have a sense of history