Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 14:22~36
Keyverse : 29

1. Storm training (22-27)

After feeding the crowd, Jesus sent his disciples to cross the lake. He dismissed the crowd and went to pray alone. The disciples struggled against an adverse wind and high waves. Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. They were terrified, because in their struggle, they didn't recognize Jesus. He had not come to frighten them but to give them courage and teach them faith.

2. Peter's bold faith (28-36)

Peter took courage. He asked Jesus to command him to come to him, and Jesus said, 'Come.' As long as Peter obeyed Jesus' command and kept his eyes on him, he could walk without fear on the water. But he looked down at the waves and forgot about Jesus. He began to sink; Jesus pulled him out and gently rebuked him for his doubt. Fear is the opposite of faith. Faith is looking steadily at Jesus and calling on him for help. Peter confessed Jesus to be the Son of God. And Jesus continued the work of the Messiah (34-36).

Application: Lord, give me courage to walk by faith and faith to keep on looking at you.
One Word: Obey Jesus and walk by faith