Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 13:53~58
Keyverse : 57b,58

1. They were amazed (53-54)

Jesus had been teaching the multitudes. He healed the sick and cast out demons. People who recognized him as their true shepherd were blessed. Jesus wanted to share God's love and blessing in his hometown too, so he taught in the synagogue in Nazareth. The people were impressed by his popularity and amazed at his wisdom and power. They had the opportunity to accept him and receive God's blessing.

2. Isn't this the carpenter's son? (55-58)

They had second thoughts about Jesus and began to talk about his human background. They did not accept him as God's servant, so they missed his blessing. Jesus cannot work in an atmosphere of unbelief and human thinking. When we look at God's servant and God's work from a human point of view, we become spiritually blind. Then Jesus cannot work in or through us.

Application: Lord, help me to see your servants and your work from your point of view. Take away my proud mind and give me a humble heart and spiritual eyes.
One Word: Believe God's word; see his work