Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Matthew 7:13~23
Keyverse : 14

1. The narrow way (13-14)

There are only two directions our lives may take: The wide gate, through which the majority of people pass, opens to the broad way that leads to destruction. The small gate opens onto the narrow way. People must go through this gate and travel this path single-file. It is not a popular way, but it leads to life.

2. A tree and its fruit (15-23)

There seems to be a whole forest of good and bad trees, but actually, there is only one good tree--Jesus. When we are attached to him, we bear good fruit. When we are attached to any other tree, we produce bad fruit. False prophets seem to be good. They look gentle and kind and seem to be understanding. Some call themselves humanists or altruists. But they are ferocious wolves because they lead people to destruction. The fruit they produce is no good in the long-run. These trees will all be cut down and burned on the day of judgment.

Application: Lord, help me to walk the narrow way with joy and confidence, and bear good fruit.
One Word: Walk the way that leads to life