Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 16, 2025
Passage : Genesis 9:1~17
Keyverse : 17

God's blessing to Noah and his sons appears to be the same one given to Adam in the beginning of creation (Gen 1:28-30). However, there are some changes. After the flood, the environment changed, and mankind needed to consume the meat of animals in addition to plants for food. God allowed them to eat meat for their physical needs but on one condition: they were not to consume the blood that represented life. Also, shedding human blood was prohibited because the image of God—life itself—in each person belongs to God.

Through the flood, God demonstrated his power and authority as the author of all lives and judge. God deserves our absolute respect and submission. Yet, he does not want to have a relationship based on fear. God also made a covenant with Noah, promising not to destroy the earth with a flood again, and gave the sign of the rainbow. God's covenant does not mean the world, as we know it, will last forever (2Co 4:18). Rather, the covenant is God's commitment to his creatures that he will endure, patiently guide, and be faithful to his words. It is God's grace to commit and hold to his promises. Do you also want to commit your life to God and follow his words?
Application: Father, you are gracious and faithful. I want to be faithful to you and obey your will. Would you be with me today to have the strength to be right with you?
One Word: God made a covenant