Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 20, 2024
Passage : Ezekiel 47:13~48:35
Keyverse : 48:35

In the Old Testament, when Joshua and the 12 tribes of Israel conquered the promised land, they were not successful in subduing the whole land nor dividing it equally. But in this vision, the land expands through all the territories of their enemies. The tribes share it equally. This kind of equality which so many people strive for through political and social systems is only possible in God’s kingdom. We have real hope to experience it there.

The land was also organized with 6 tribes on one side, the temple and the land allotted to the prince and the Levites in the middle, and five tribes on the other side. Worship was central to their community.

Also, special allotments were given according to God’s promises to those who followed him faithfully. God remembers his promises and keeps them to the end. How faithful is our God!

The name of the city was The Lord Is There. How great a hope we have in the kingdom of God to meet God and live with him forever and ever. We give up everything to follow Jesus in this life and end up gaining everything we ever need for all eternity – worshiping God at his feet.
Application: Father, thank you for giving us this unimaginable vision of your perfect city where we can meet you and worship you for all eternity.
One Word: Hope to spend eternity with the Lord