Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 17, 2024
Passage : Ezekiel 45:1~25
Keyverse : 3

In this chapter, the angel describes the most holy place in the city of God, which is the sanctuary. The definition of a sanctuary is a place of refuge. In the Old Testament, people accused of a crime could flee to a sanctuary city. In the holy city, God made a sanctuary where his temple and priests would dwell, and the Prince would live with his people. Because of our sins we deserved to be put in the lake of fire. But in his mercy, Jesus redeems us and blesses us to live forever in his sanctuary. This is the true hope for all creation.

Jerusalem was fraught with corruption amongst the royalty and the priesthood. But in the holy city, the princes would no longer abuse their authority, nor rob the people. Rather, the priests would do their holy duty to make atonement for the people and the princes would participate. God’s hope to restore all creation begins with the leaders’ repentance and restoration. Then, there is hope for all creation.
Application: Lord, thank you for preparing a sanctuary for me. Please purify me from sin and help me to worship you in holiness, enjoying your grace.
One Word: A living hope to dwell with Christ in his sanctuary