The destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians was a shame and disgrace for Israel. It was God’s just judgment against their great sin. But through Ezekiel, God also warned the neighboring nations not to rejoice over Israel’s misfortune. God judged his own people first, but this was an example of how he will finally judge all nations.
When we see others suffer misfortune, our sinful nature may whisper to us that they deserved it, and we are tempted to make up reasons why it could not happen to us. But in Christ we know that all sinners are subject to the same judgment, and that it is only by God’s grace that we have been forgiven and are not subject to judgment (Jn 5:24). So we should not rejoice in others’ misfortune but fear God and show compassion to others. Let’s repent of any remaining tendencies toward malice in our hearts.
Application: Father, thank you for rescuing me from the judgment through Jesus. Help me not to be glad when anyone else suffers but show the same compassion that I have received.
One Word: Watch out for the sin of malice