Daily Bread Content


Date : Jul 10, 2024
Passage : 1Samuel 17:17~40
Keyverse : 32

David was not old enough to be drafted into the army and stayed home shepherding his father’s flock. But he went to the battlefield on his father's errand to check on the safety of his brothers. He heard Goliath’s defiant insults against the armies of Israel and was amazed that everyone fled in fear. David, though only a boy, had a burning love for God. He couldn't stand God’s name being insulted by an uncircumcised Gentile. He wanted to challenge the enemy of God’s army for God’s honor.

When Saul was reluctant to allow him to fight, David talked about how God helped him to defeat a lion or a bear to protect his sheep. David knew that it was a dangerous and fearful thing to fight Goliath, but he had faith in the LORD, who would deliver him from the hand of Goliath (37). He refused Saul's armor, took his staff, his sling and five stones, and went to Goliath. David trusted that God would give him victory over Goliath and protect his life. His most potent weapon was his faith in the living God. We can overcome fear and stand firm to fight our Goliath only by faith in God Almighty.
Application: Lord, grant me a passionate love for you and enable me to overcome my fear, and challenge the Goliaths in our time for your glory.
One Word: Challenge Goliath by faith in God