In this Upper Room Discourse, Jesus gave his disciples both bad and good news. The bad news was that they would undergo fiery persecutions; the good news was that Jesus would send them the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to work in them. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father as well as the Spirit of the Son, Jesus (14:26). He has many different works and roles. First, he “convicts” (ESV) people of guilt regarding sin, righteousness, and judgment. The sin of the world is not to believe in Jesus but reject him. God’s righteousness comes through faith in Jesus who died, rose again, and ascended to the right hand of God. God’s judgment will come to the prince of this world, Satan, and those who belong to Satan.
Second, the Holy Spirit guides his people into all the truth. He is the good shepherd who leads his people in the way of all truth. He reveals to us what is yet to come such as the end of the world, the second coming of Jesus, everlasting life, the believer’s mission on earth and so on. Through these works, the Holy Spirit finally brings glory to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the greatest gift of Jesus.
To live as his people and to serve his work, we need the work of the Holy Spirit.
Application: Lord, thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit, the Advocate. Help us live as your people.
One Word: Follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.