Daily Bread Content


Date : Jun 17, 2024
Passage : 1Peter 1:1~12
Keyverse : 1

Peter identified himself as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and sent this letter to God’s elect. He praised God for his great mercy in giving us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this world, there is nothing that will last forever, but in Christ Jesus, we have an inheritance that will never perish, spoil, or fade. We can cling to this living hope while in this world because our hope, Jesus Christ, will never die.

While in the world, we face several hardships and challenges. It is easy to feel discouraged. However, we can rejoice, not only because of the living hope of our inheritance that is kept in heaven for us, but also because through our trials, our faith is being refined. Through all kinds of trials and hardships, the genuineness of our faith, which is of greater worth to God than gold, is being tested, and it will result in praise to God. May we not lose hope. The result of our faith will be the very salvation of our souls. May we keep our eyes on Jesus and put our hope in the eternal inheritance.
Application: Lord Jesus, thank you for your death and resurrection to not only give me hope in this world, but indeed a living hope to be with you for eternity. May our lives in this world grow in faith in you.
One Word: Living hope in Jesus