Daily Bread Content


Date : May 18, 2024
Passage : John 14:15~31
Keyverse : 16,17a

Jesus promises to send in his place another advocate, the Spirit of truth, to those who love and obey his commands. The world neither sees him nor knows him, but the believers know him, for the Holy Spirit dwells in them and is with them. The coming of the Holy Spirit is like Jesus living with and in us. Then we never feel lonely or empty like orphans. When we walk in loving obedience to Jesus, we will taste the love of the Father and the Son. We grow in a more intimate fellowship with Jesus just as the case between the Father and the Son. When we love Jesus and obey his word, the triune God comes to us and makes their home with us (23). We become God’s dwelling place!

The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of truth. He reminds the disciples of Jesus’ teachings and helps them understand their meanings. He is the author of the Bible. He enables us to understand God’s word, to see the beauty and glory of the gospel, and to walk in God’s ways. Jesus promised transcendent peace which enables us to overcome troubled hearts and fear. Jesus obeyed the will of God out of love, died on the cross, and gave us peace with God and the peace of God that transcends all understanding (Php 4:7).
Application: Lord, thank you for another Advocate, the Spirit of truth. Please help me love you and obey your word in my daily life. Come and make your home in my heart forever.
One Word: Love Jesus and obey his word