God gave Jeremiah a message of judgment against Egypt, which came true when Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon defeated Pharaoh Necho (1-2). In the battle, the Egyptian army put forth an impressive effort with their horses, chariots, and spears (3-9). But they were defeated, because God had his own plan in this human struggle.
Jeremiah calls the battle a sacrifice that the Lord offered (10). The blood that was shed was a punishment for Egypt’s sins. Though Egypt was a prosperous nation with a long and illustrious history, judgment was due for their idolatry in worshiping false gods and Pharaoh-worship (25). After this punishment, Egypt would be restored (26).
Thank God that Jesus shed his blood to be the once-for-all sacrifice for our sins. God used Egypt as an example to teach Israel, so they would understand God’s justice and righteousness, and ultimately accept the gospel.
Application: Father, thank you for being at work behind world events. Thank you most of all for offering Jesus for my sins.
One Word: The Lord will offer a sacrifice.