Daily Bread Content


Date : Feb 04, 2024
Passage : Proverbs 19:16~29
Keyverse : 21

What are practical ways that we can make good choices? Verse 16 says we revere and keep God's commands. Next, we are kind to the poor. God sees and rewards those who do so (17). Fearing God and giving to the needy seem so simple, yet they are truly the marks of a great person.

Next, when we listen to advice and accept discipline, we can be free of the sins and bad choices that hinder our lives. Though we started out poorly, at the end, we will be counted among the wise (20). Real wisdom involves humbly repenting and accepting the Lord's will. We can devise many plans, but only that which is in accordance with God's will prospers (21). However, when we proudly go outside of God's will, we forfeit grace.

People really desire to have unfailing love (22), which can only be found in a right relationship with Christ. The fear of God leads us to repent and to turn to Jesus, who loves us unconditionally. He blesses us to receive light and life when we trust in him. Then, we can see God's will and we can do what is right. When we repent our pride and accept God's plan, he does far more than we dream or imagine. We are captivated by the riches of his love! We have life to the full and are satisfied.

Application: Father, thank you for Jesus' unfailing love when I trust him and live for his will. Help me to repent my own proud plans and follow his way.
One Word: Those who do the Lord's will prevail