Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 03, 2024
Passage : John 1:6~18
Keyverse : 14

There have been many who have testified to the light, but Jesus came as the true light that gives light to everyone. The Word became flesh to dwell among us. In this way, the answers to "Who is God?" and "What is his will for us?" became more real than any other religion or philosophy. What words can describe God, who was revealed in Jesus? John says: Full of grace and truth.

Jesus' grace reaches even the deepest depths of our sin and shame. He reaches out in love to bring hope and healing to the lost, sick, and excluded of society. There is no place where Jesus does not hold our hand when we need him. He came to call us family, God's children, not bound by any class structure. In Jesus, there is neither Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female, for we all belong in Christ (Gal 3:28).

The truth revealed in Jesus is also not bound by the rigidity of laws and fixed interpretations of scripture. Jesus' truth challenged the established legalistic culture and society. His truth expands our ideas of God's grace and love for humanity. It is deeper, broader and more inclusive, for it comes from God, the Creator of all life and everything.

Application: Lord, thank you for dwelling among us, full of grace and truth. May your light shine on us today.
One Word: Full of grace and truth