Daily Bread Content


Date : Nov 30, 2023
Passage : Proverbs 11:1~15
Keyverse : 2

Wisdom is vast and varied. We may be wise about one thing but fail miserably at others. Pride is universal and is present in even the brightest of people. Although King Solomon brought great prosperity and peace during his lifetime, he left the kingdom of Israel in great disarray after his death (1 Kings 11). On the other hand, Jesus did not seek power and glory in his time on earth. Instead, he died on the cross and became the resurrected Lord of God's kingdom which has endured and expanded beyond the rise and fall of many empires. Jesus is God who came to earth born as a helpless baby in a manger. He came to love the most needy and wretched people, approachable and welcoming to all.

Pride and arrogance have been the downfall of many powerful people and have hurt many more in their pathway. A little humility goes a long way in creating a community of love and respect that endures for many generations. It takes humility to love and accept all kinds of people, to repent and ask for help, and to recover from failures with dignity and new hope.

Application: Lord, help me to be even a little less arrogant today than I was yesterday. Help me to practice the humility of Christ, who did not seek to be served, but to give himself for others.
One Word: Practice humility