This passage compares and contrasts two ways. The first way is to accept wise instruction and to follow it. When we humbly accept instruction, we will be upright in heart. We will have spirit and strength to run our race by faith. By diligently following the right way, we can guard ourselves from the consequences of sin and wickedness.
We must decide not to follow the way of evil and wickedness. When we are tempted, we must avoid it, turn away from it, and do not go near it. Wickedness controls us so that we cannot sleep unless we satisfy its wicked desires. We become evil and violent. We are no longer ourselves.
To overcome this, we must listen to what is right and keep God's commands in our hearts. They will bring us life and healing. We must be alert and guard our path to go the right way with a fear of God, holiness, and the courage to do what is right. We must ponder our ways (26) and honestly ask ourselves, what way am I following? Am I seeking God's way or my own evil desires?
Application: Father, thank you for showing me the way of life in Jesus. Please help me to follow his teachings and live by faith in him.
One Word: Follow the right way