Interesting! An expert in the law asked Jesus, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" This seems to be one of the most important questions we could ask, but it is actually the wrong question. Jesus responded by asking the expert to summarize the law, and the expert replied by saying that we are to love God with all of our being and our neighbors as ourselves. It is simple, then! Jesus says do that, and you will live. The problem is that the law is impossible for us to keep. We are sinful beings who fall short of the glory of God and all of our righteousness is like filthy rags before him. After Jesus' parable, the expert's shortcomings must have become clear. The question we should ask is not about what we can do, but about what God has done. In his great mercy, God sent his Son as our Savior. He is the source of life and salvation.
Our Lord's parable illustrates that there should be no boundaries to who we love or the extent to which we love them. The Samaritan saw the need of the wounded man and had compassion on him. Overcoming all social boundaries, the Samaritan sacrificed his time and money to care for the man's needs. He was determined to see it through and follow up with the man's care. This is how Jesus has loved us, and it is the way he wants us to love others.
Application: Lord Jesus, give us a heart for others.
One Word: Go and do likewise