One may wonder why Esther delayed making her request and extended the banquet for another day. Was she fearful and indecisive? Probably not. Esther had already decided she would perish if it came to that. She was equipped with prayer; she fasted and prayed along with Mordecai and fellow Jews (4:16). When she saw the king was in a generous mood (5:3) and showed a positive view toward Jews when he exalted Mordecai over Haman (6:10), she knew her time had come. Esther demonstrated her wisdom as she prayed and followed the Lord's plan (Prov 16:9).
She begged for her life at the king's offer to give her anything she wished. She exposed Haman's plot to pay the king for the right to annihilate the Jews (3:9). Haman probably was unaware of Esther's Jewish background nor her relation to Mordecai. Nonetheless, his plot to wipe out the Jews based on his childish pride and ambition for human honor earned the rage of God (Ps 5:6).
At Esther's plea and on her behalf, the king became furious. Ironically, Haman was hanged at the pole he had set up to hang Mordecai. That was the end of a man who seemed to succeed through malice and lies (Ps 7:14-16).
Application: Father, you have a plan in your wisdom and goodwill. Please help me to ask for your direction rather than acting based on my feelings.
One Word: Wisdom comes from seeking the Lord.