Daily Bread Content


Date : Mar 22, 2023
Passage : Luke 6:37~49
Keyverse : 37, 48

Someone said that what we say about God teaches us more about ourselves than about God. When we see God as a judge, we tend to judge others. When we see God as an overprotective parent, we become very nit-picky about other people's faults. However, if we see God as a merciful and loving being who blesses the poor, rejected, and cursed, we can become very gracious, loving, and compassionate people.

Maybe we do not see God's amazing grace in our own lives, so we judge and condemn ourselves and do so to others as well. Perhaps, in order to know God's love better, we need to practice loving and forgiving others instead of judging and picking out other's faults. When we practice this, we can find and build a strong foundation for our life on God's unfailing love and mercy.

Application: Lord, may your love and mercy be the foundation of my life.
One Word: And you will not be judged