1. The joy of the workers (17-20)
No doubt, the 72 were excited and nervous when they went out. But as they obeyed the Lord's instructions, they enjoyed one victory after another. They returned and exclaimed, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." Successes like this in ministry are certainly a cause for celebration, but there is a danger here. We can become proud and success can turn into an idol for us. Jesus says, "...do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." This is remarkable grace! That God chose us in Christ to dwell in his kingdom forever is our greatest source of joy. It is a joy that can never be lost.
2. The Lord's joy (21-24)
Jesus was full of joy through the Holy Spirit. The 72 were humble and obedient like little children and they were the ones who saw the wonders of the kingdom of God. Jesus is pleased to reveal his kingdom to such people. The poor in spirit are truly blessed! Even more, in Christ we have peace with God and we know Him as our Heavenly Father. Prophets and kings longed to see the day of Christ and the coming of His kingdom. As followers of Christ, we live in an awesome age!