The world is loved by God, but the world is also full of sin and darkness. Sickness, injustice, war, and the like traumatize people everywhere. The wounded end up wounding others in a vicious cycle. It's no surprise we hear (or do) so much complaining and arguing about the state of things. Or we could be indifferent to the wickedness, which is worst. Paul urges the Philippians to work out their salvation and allow God to work in them to fulfill his good purpose of planting hope, salvation, healing, and restoration.
God works in our hearts to be a light in the darkness. Paul uses imagery to paint a beautiful picture of God's children who shine like stars in the dark void of night as we hold on to the word of life. The word of life is the gospel of Jesus. He demonstrated his love and power to save humanity from sin and death by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Jesus is the light of the world who heals our wounds and turns our bitterness into joy and light to others.
Application: Lord, help me not to complain or blame others but to dwell and grow in your salvation so that I, too, may shine the light of your love for the world.
One Word: Shine like stars in the sky