Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 24, 2022
Passage : James 5:1~6
Keyverse : 1

Wealth is commonly seen as evidence of blessing from the Lord. If you are wealthy, many throughout history have believed, it was proof that you were under God's blessing. Worldly wealth can certainly be a blessing. But it can also be a snare. The wealthy, on whom James is pronouncing God's judgment, used their wealth to edify themselves. They hoarded it, piling it up in their counting houses so they could feel good about themselves. Hoarded money is useless. It just rots away if it is not used for something good. Their hoarded wealth would be a testimony against them.

James was speaking to those who sat on their wealth or used their wealth only for themselves. Even though they owed their own workers, who went destitute! The Bible tells us that we must pay off all our debts (except the debt of love to one another). (Rom 13:8) While their workers went hungry, they lived in luxury. James likened this to murdering an innocent person. They would be harshly judged. We should use our wealth to bless others.

Application: Father, help me that I may never put my trust in wealth or in anything that spoils or rots. My hope is only in you. Help me to use what I have to edify others and advance your kingdom.
One Word: Use what we have to bless others