James points out that there are two types of wisdom. There is earthly wisdom and there is spiritual, or heavenly, wisdom. Earthly wisdom leads us to live in selfish ambition. Earthly wisdom says, "I want more!" Maybe its money, or power, or prestige or position. And when we don't get it, we become bitter and envious of those who do get it. Earthly wisdom is thus earthly, unspiritual and demonic. It sounds like a good thing to have. But it leads to disorder and evil practices.
James contrasts earthly wisdom with Godly, heavenly wisdom. Wisdom that comes from heaven is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive to God, and full of mercy, good fruit. It is impartial and sincere. It is this kind of wisdom that allows us to love others with a pure, spiritual love, as Jesus loves us.
Is James saying that all kinds of "book knowledge", our pursuit to find out how the world works and to make scientific advances demonic? No! Our curiosity and our intelligence are God-given. When this knowledge leads to good deeds and humility, it is wisdom from heaven.
Application: Father, thank you for the wisdom of God. Help me to seek your wisdom in all that I do.
One Word: Seek wisdom from heaven