God had made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Faithfully, he delivered their descendants from Egypt. But a covenant with God is not only a thing of the past. In every generation, God re-establishes his covenant with his people. Times change, but God's faithful promises never change. His covenant is to be newly discovered and lived out in each generation.
The basis of this covenant is God's redemptive love, which delivers his people from bondage (6). Jesus frees us from bondage to sin (Jn 8:31-32, 34-36). God gives his Law to his redeemed people. Obedience to the law does not bring redemption. Those who are redeemed and set free are blessed to receive the law. The Ten Commandments are not burdensome but boundaries that teach us how to love God (7-15) and love others (16-21), being blessed and being a blessing.
God's desire is not only the past or the present, but the future: showing love to a thousand generations (10). As we keep God's covenant, freely living in relationship with him in the boundaries of the Ten Commandments, we enjoy his blessings, and pass them on to the next generation.
Application: Father, thank you for redeeming me from sin and death through Jesus. Help me see your commands as healthy boundaries that enable me to love you and love others well.
One Word: God's love for a thousand generations