The Psalmist spoke the word of God to caution the people to listen to the Lord. The Israelites were delivered from Pharaoh. They heard the word of the Lord directly. They saw miracles in the desert, but they hardened their hearts. They refused to obey the Lord and instead worshipped other gods. They went away from God and wandered without rest. "Today" for them meant the day God revealed his glory to them through his call and his word. God has revealed himself to us "today" through his Son. We must not harden our hearts but rather open our hearts to his love.
We are unbelieving in our sinful nature, but we are called to encourage each other continually. We have the blessings of sharing in Christ and the promise of entering into his eternal rest. We need constant encouragement to protect us from unbelief and hard hearts. God was angry with his people in the desert because they refused to receive him even after he delivered them from Egypt, out of the land of slavery. We have been led by Jesus himself out of sin and death to enter God's eternal rest. We must share in Christ and encourage each other always.
Application: Lord, help me to receive you with an open heart and be a source of encouragement to God's people.
One Word: Encourage one another daily