Psalm 1 sets the tone and conditions for all the psalms for being blessed. First of all, people blessed by God do not befriend evil. They don't walk with the wicked, stand with sinners or sit with mockers. Jesus was the friend of sinners, but he didn't agree with their sinful behaviors. Rather, he was always clear to help and save them, not condone their sin. We must avoid getting close to those who have no interest in God (Prov 13:20).
Secondly, blessed people love God's law, that is, his word. They delight in God's word and meditate on it all day long. They are like a prosperous, fruitful tree planted by water. In contrast, wicked people follow their own ideas, rules and feelings. They have no root and are blown away by the wind, like tumbleweed. Wicked people won't stand in God's judgment. Their way leads to destruction. But the way of the righteous leads to life, for the LORD watches over it (Mt 7:13-14).
Application: Lord, I delight in your words, for they are true and right and lead to life. May I avoid wickedness, sin, mocking and folly. May I earnestly pursue righteousness, holiness and your kingdom. In Jesus' name. Amen.
One Word: Blessed is the one who avoids evil and loves God's word