The angel Gabriel told Mary about her relative Elizabeth's miraculous pregnancy. So Mary decided to visit her. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, called Mary "blessed" and "the mother of my Lord." She blessed Mary for believing God's promise to her.
Mary then burst out into a song of praise: "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." Her song echoes much of the song of Hannah (1Sa 2:1-10), the mother of Samuel, who anointed Israel's first kings. God blessed her humble state. God is mighty and holy. God was fulfilling his promises to Abraham and Israel.
John the Baptist was born and they were expecting him to be named Zechariah Jr. But Elizabeth said and Zechariah wrote, "His name is John," just as they angel directed. Then Zechariah could speak again (his song is next).
Application: God of Abraham, our Father in heaven, we are indeed blessed to have received Jesus Christ into our world, and to be recipients of your mercy through him. Thank you for keeping your promises.
One Word: My spirit rejoices in God my Savior