The psalmist urges his people to teach their children about God's powerful works and his commands. Then their children would know God's works and commands and put their trust in God, not becoming like their rebellious ancestors. God's people have a responsibility to recount God's work and his words to their children. If one generation fails to pass them on, the chain will be broken and the faith will be lost. When parents do not teach their children their faith, they hide God's priceless inheritance from them. When we have our hearts loyal to God and teach God's words to our children, they will put their trust in him and keep his words.
The psalmist looks back at the past generations of Israelites to learn a spiritual lesson from their failures. They rebelled against God on the borders of the promised land, forgetting God's mighty acts in Egypt and the Red Sea. They continued to sin against God in the desert, willfully putting God to the test. Though God fed them with manna, quail, and water from a rock, they complained about the food. Even after God punishes them, they kept on sinning. But in his mercy, God forgave them and restrained his anger. We live because of God's mercy and forgiveness through Jesus.
Application: Lord, help our hearts to be loyal and faithful to you and to teach your work and words to the next generation.
One Word: Pass the baton