There are specific laws to guide the priests when making the offerings. The burnt offering for atonement must be burnt slowly all night until morning (9). This slow burning away of the offering is a consecration of the offering. This represents the consecration process in our own lives. Our sins take a long time to burn away and for us to become a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. (Ro 12:1). We need the fire of the Holy Spirit to consecrate us and break down our will.
The fire must be kept burning through the burnt offerings and the fat of the peace offerings. The fire must never go out (13). We keep the fire of the Spirit alive in our hearts when we maintain a heart of repentance and thanksgiving to God. Is the fire of God burning in your heart?
A portion of the grain offering must be given to the priests and his sons. It was holy and must be eaten in the sanctuary. This offering of thanksgiving must be shared with God's servants. We must practically show our thanksgiving to his servants. Have you? The priests also must make a grain offering and this was burnt completely (23), meaning it belonged to God. They must offer their lives to God as a pleasing sacrifice for his glory with thanksgiving.
Application: Father, thank you for Jesus who sanctifies me through the Spirit. Consecrate me, burn away my sins, and accept my life as a pleasing sacrifice.
One Word: Consecrated to God for his glory