1. Seven things the Lord hates (12-19)
Evil begins with a wicked heart. Unless we repent our corrupted heart, all our body parts will become weapons of evil that harm others and eventually ourselves. The Lord hates the evil heart that causes haughty eyes, a lying tongue, bloody hands, feet that rush into evil, a false witness, and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. We must repent our evil heart and offer every part of ourselves as instruments of God: eyes to read the word of God, tongue to share God's grace, hands to serve the needy, feet to visit sick people and say peace to unite brothers. (Rom 6:13)
2. The commands of God will keep you from the immoral woman (20-35)
The wise repeatedly instruct us to keep the commands of God. It would guide us like a lamp and watch over us as light. It will correct us and discipline us from the immoral woman. To commit adultery is like scooping fire into his lap or walking on hot coals. A man who commits adultery will not go unpunished. He lacks judgment. Whoever commits adultery destroys himself.