1. Persecution for Christ is to be expected
In sending out his Twelve, Jesus forewarned of persecutions from religious authorities (17), government officials (18), and family members (21). Those who hate Jesus will hate those who are faithful to him, but whoever stands firm in their faith in Jesus will be saved (22). When persecuted they were to flee. Jesus would come soon to their rescue.
2. Stand firm and don't worry
Jesus gave counsel to his followers who would be persecuted: be shrewd like snakes, but innocent like doves (16); be on guard (17); don't worry, for the Holy Spirit will give you words (20); stand firm to the end (22). Why are Christians persecuted? Jesus said: 'On my account,' and, 'because of me.' It's an honor to suffer with and for Jesus and for the gospel (24,25).
Application: Lord Jesus, may I count it an honor to suffer for you. Help me to stand firm.
One Word: Don't worry, stand firm for Jesus