1. Another grumbling incident (1-5)
When walking by faith puts us through hard times, it is easy to grumble. So Israel grumbled against their leaders-Moses and Aaron, when they had no water (15:24), and now no food (3). To lives as slaves with full stomachs seems better than being free and hungry. The LORD told Moses that he would test them with daily bread training.
2. You will know I am the LORD your God (6-12)
The LORD brought them out of Egypt. Their grumbling against their leaders was actually grumbling against God, who had delivered them and was leading them. The LORD's glory appeared to them. God would give them meat for supper and bread for breakfast. Then they would know that he is the LORD their God.
Application: Lord, forgive my grumbling against people and against you. You are the LORD my God, leading my life. I trust in you.
One Word: Don't grumble; trust in the LORD.