1. Timothy looked out for the interests of Christ (19-24)
Paul planned to send Timothy to visit them and report to him how they were managing. Paul chose Timothy because he loved them, had no personal agenda except the interests of Jesus Christ, was a proven gospel worker, and became like his own spiritual son. Thank God for church leaders like Timothy who love God's people and have only Jesus' interests in mind when ministering to God's people.
2. Epaphroditus almost died for Christ (25-30)
Paul was sending his letter back with Epaphroditus, who was sent by the Philippians to take their offering and to care for his needs in prison. Paul recognized Epaphroditus because he almost died for Christ and his work. We should also rejoice in and honor people like him for their life-giving sacrifice for Christ.
Application: Lord, help me to rejoice in Christ-centered people who serve others and your work purely and sacrificially.
One Word: Workers who sacrifice for the interests of Christ