1. Daniel's second vision (1-14)
About two years after his previous vision, Daniel had another involving a goat and a ram. The ram was one great earthly power, but the goat was even more so, destroying all things in its path, throwing truth to the ground and challenging the rule of God. The Lord's people were given over. It meant desolation, and even the sanctuary was surrendered. But Daniel heard the word of "a holy one speaking." All this rebellion and tragedy had its appointed time in God.
2. The meaning of the vision (15-27)
Daniel wanted to discern what God was doing. He learned that the powers he witnessed were those of this world indeed, but at the same time the kingdoms were instruments of God's wrath. All things, even human power, are in God's hand. In the end, Daniel was appalled by the vision and found it beyond understanding. Still he held to it as he went about the king's business.