Daily Bread Content


Date : Feb 17, 2020
Passage : Micah 4:1~13
Keyverse : 7

1. In the last days... (1-8).

Despite words of judgment on Jerusalem, God gives his people a glorious vision of the manifest kingdom of God to come "in the last days." All nations will gather to hear his word, walk in his ways, and be made to live in peace. How will the LORD bring about this vision? He declares he will gather the lame, the exiles, the oppressed remnant and rule over them from Mount Zion. First the kingship of David must be restored. Jesus is that King, who triumphantly entered Jerusalem.

2. Now many nations are against you (9-13).

"Now" in verse 9 shows the birth pains before Jesus coming. The kingdom must be lost. A century after Micah's time Judah would be taken to Babylon. But for the people of Micah's time, "now" in verse 11 shows the invasion of Assyria would not succeed. God would deliver them, giving them victory over many nations.

Application: Father, thank you for sharing your glorious vision and hope with me. Rule over your people today.
One Word: God's word will go out from Zion