1. A ministry of raising apostles (12-16)
After spending a night on a mountainside, praying to God, Jesus calls his disciples to him. From amongst these disciples, Jesus chooses twelve and designates them apostles. Apostle means "one who is sent". Jesus would train these twelve and send them out to tell others about him. The twelve include future missionaries, New Testament writers and even one who would betray Jesus. Let us also pray for the Lord to raise and send out people who will faithfully share his gospel.
2. A ministry of teaching and healing (17-19)
While Jesus prepares the future ministry, he continues to minister to the present needs of the people. Jesus also trains the apostles for what they would do in the future. Jesus brings the twelve down the mountain and is met by a large crowd of physically and spiritually sick people. They are desperate to hear him and to be healed. By his power, Jesus healed them all.