1. Dealing with compromise (1-9)
After serving Jerusalem for 12 years, Nehemiah left and returned to the court of King Artaxerxes. While he was gone, the people of Judah began to neglect their promises to God. In Nehemiah 9:2, we read how they separated themselves from all the foreigners. But now, Tobia, an Ammonite and enemy of Jerusalem, had been provided a large room in the temple area by Eliashib the priest. When we compromise with evil in our lives, we give away a space that belongs to God. After his return, Nehemiah threw out all Tobia's goods and restored the room to its original purpose. In the same way, when we find compromise in our lives, we must repent, throw the evil stuff out, and ask God to restore our hearts to the purpose he created them for.
2. Faithful service (10-14)
Nehemiah also found that the house of God had been neglected. The Levites were not given their portion of the tithes and had returned to their homes. Nehemiah called them back to their posts. He reinstated the tithes and put trustworthy men in charge of the storerooms and the distribution of supplies. Nehemiah lived his life before God and asked that his faithful service would be remembered by God.