1. Moab and Judah (1-5)
The LORD spoke judgment against Moab for desecrating the body of the king of Edom. Her cities would be consumed by war and her ruler destroyed. Unlike her Gentile neighbors, Judah had God's law and decrees. But she rejected them for idols and for this God would consume her in wars.
2. The sins of Israel (6-16)
After speaking the LORD's judgment against Israel's neighbors, Amos turned his attention on Israel. The wealthy of Israel enslaved the poor over debts worth no more than a pair of sandals. They humiliated and exploited the poor by not returning garments taken in pledge. They denied justice to the poor. Sexual immorality profaned God's name. God had shown his power and love for his people by destroying their enemies, bringing them up out of Egypt and sending them prophets. Israel had no excuse for her evil deeds. God would crush them.