1. Jacob struggled with God and found him (11:12-12:6)
Through Hosea, God again exposes and rebukes the unfaithfulness of Ephraim. God reminds Northern Israel of their history starting from their forefather Jacob. In his youth Jacob was devious and manipulative, but finally he learned to struggle with God and he talked with God personally. Then God blessed Jacob to become a community of peoples. If the nation of Ephraim returned to God, they could be blessed again.
2. "I will make you live in tents again" (12:7-14)
The people of Ephraim became proud when they became prosperous, thinking their wealth could shield them from the consequences of sin. But God could take away those riches at any moment, making Israel live in humble tents again, just as they had when they first came out of Egypt. They needed to remember how God had spoken to them through their prophets and listen again to God's word.