1. Peace be with you (19-23)
The disciples locked the doors for fear of death by the Jewish leaders. The risen Jesus stood among them saying, "Peace be with you!" Now they have nothing to fear, for Jesus has conquered death. He showed the evidences: the nailed hands and the pierced side. Yes, he was really dead but surely has risen. The disciples were overjoyed. Jesus then gave them the great commission, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you!" He breathed the Holy Spirit to give them power to carry out their mission to forgive sins of the people through Jesus. This is the most urgent and important for all sinners.
2. Blessed are those who believe (24-32)
Thomas was not there. He refused to believe unless he saw and touched Jesus. Jesus once again came to help Thomas stop doubting and believe. Jesus let him touch him with his finger, see his hands and side. When Thomas confessed, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus blessed those who have not seen and yet have believed in him as the Messiah and the Son of God. They will have eternal life.