1. Those who defy God will answer to him (21-32)
The Babylonians felt that they were invincible. But God would catch them in a trap. They would be captured because of their arrogance, opposition and defiance of the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. They would face a harsh judgment at the hands of the Medo-Persians, whom God also chose to work through to free his people and bring them back from their exile.
2. God, the strong Redeemer for his people (33-46)
God had his eyes on his people. He cared about them. He knew they were oppressed and held captive and helpless to set themselves free. That is why God was their Redeemer. A redeemer sets prisoners free. God can be their redeemer because he is strong and Almighty. He forgives them of their sins, defends the cause of his people and brings them to a place of rest in their own land.